| 1. | Increases your critical strike chance while in bear , dire bear or cat form by 5 % 增加暴击机率,在暴击当道的现在,必备 |
| 2. | Set : your melee attacks in bear form and dire bear form have a chance to generate 100 additional rage 你的熊形态巨熊( ? )形态近身攻击有机会产生额外的100怒气(哇!啊 |
| 3. | This creature looks like a heavily muscled dire bear with large metal plates gaagted to its skin 这个野兽拥有看上去是用强壮笨重的肌肉和金属装甲混合拼装而成的皮肤。 |
| 4. | Ironclad maulers are magiclly engineered dire bears created to smash formations of opposing troops 装甲暴(泰提)熊是为了打乱对方军队的阵形而利用可怕的熊类生物用魔法制造出来的。 |
| 5. | " bear form " and " dire bear form " : the bonus health from shapeshifting into these forms will again be removed correctly when shifting out of these forms "熊形态"和"巨熊形态" :变形所获得的额外生命值将会在变回人形时被正确的移除 |
| 6. | " dire bear form " now grants 25 % increased stamina instead of 25 % increased health . in addition , the armor bonus has been reduced from 450 % to 400 % 巨熊形态从增加25的生命总值改为增加25的耐力。并且护甲提升从450降低到400 。 |
| 7. | Primal fury ? is now a 2 point talent that gives you a 50 / 100 % chance to gain an additional 5 rage anytime you get a critical strike while in bear and dire bear form 原始狂怒-现在是一个2点天赋,使你在熊形态和巨熊形态下对目标造成致命一击后,有50 / 100 %的几率获得5点怒气值。 |